The talk will weave together two narratives: our experience building and growing AnyCable Pro, and the evolution of real-time applications as we’ve observed.
Part 1: AnyCable Pro Journey
Launching a Commercial Version: Strategies for introducing a commercial version of an open-source product while keeping it low-code, simple, and cost-effective.
Telemetry and Insights: Setting up telemetry and using it to make informed decisions.
Marketing Tactics: Using blog posts, case studies, newsletters, social media, and conference talks to promote the product.
On-Premise Considerations: Key factors in making on-premise products user-friendly.
Managed Service Launch: How to build an MVP of a managed service.
Part 2: Evolution of Real-Time Applications
Observing the shift from GraphQL to Hotwire, from chat apps to collaborative tools, and to AI-powered voice applications.
The talk will conclude with thoughts on the future of real-time applications and AnyCable.