Sidekiq limit_fetch

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If you are using this with Rails, you don’t need to require it as it’s done automatically.

To use this Gem in other Ruby projects, just add require 'sidekiq-limit_fetch'.


Specify limits which you want to place on queues inside sidekiq.yml:

  queue_name1: 5
  queue_name2: 10

Or set it dynamically in your code:

Sidekiq::Queue['queue_name1'].limit = 5
Sidekiq::Queue['queue_name2'].limit = 10

In these examples, tasks for the queue_name1 will be run by at most 5 workers at the same time and the queue_name2 will have no more than 10 workers simultaneously.

Ability to set limits dynamically allows you to resize worker distribution among queues any time you want.

Limits per process

If you use multiple sidekiq processes then you can specify limits per process:

  queue_name: 2

Or set it in your code:

Sidekiq::Queue['queue_name'].process_limit = 2

Busy workers by queue

You can see how many workers currently handling a queue:

Sidekiq::Queue['name'].busy # number of busy workers


You can also pause your queues temporarily. Upon continuing their limits
will be preserved.

Sidekiq::Queue['name'].pause # prevents workers from running tasks from this queue
Sidekiq::Queue['name'].paused? # => true
Sidekiq::Queue['name'].unpause # allows workers to use the queue
Sidekiq::Queue['name'].pause_for_ms(1000) # will pause for a second

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