The year 2015 brought new ways to process CSS—with PostCSS and CSS-in-JS. With this new foundation, we can solve the problems of global CSS today without waiting for new W3C specifications. In his keynote, Andrey Sitnik, the author of Autoprefixer and PostCSS, will talk about how to build isolated components with PostCSS or JSS—and how they will change the web development in 2016.
The year 2015 brought new ways to process CSS—with PostCSS and CSS-in-JS. With this new foundation, we can solve the problems of global CSS today without waiting for new W3C specifications.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information:
In the same orbit
- PostCSS
One of the most popular and most depended-on npm libraries, PostCSS transforms CSS using an extensible plugins API. With more than 200 plugins, developers can lint CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, and more. - PostCSS-modules
A PostCSS plugin to use CSS Modules everywhere: not only at the client side.