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Irina Nazarova CEO at Evil Martians

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That’s our side, but let’s turn to StackBlitz CEO Eric Simons’ for his take on their success!

The origins of StackBlitz

Founded back in 2018 by Eric Simons and Albert Pai, StackBlitz aimed to revolutionize web development by moving it entirely into the browser. At present, it’s an online collaborative IDE that allows server-side software like Node.js to be run entirely in the web browser, enabling fully online full-stack development.

Their vision attracted heavyweight investors including Greylock, Google Ventures, and GitHub co-founder Tom Preston-Werner, culminating in a $7.9M seed round in April 2022. This funding helped them pioneer WebContainers, a WebAssembly-based operating system, running within the browser’s sandbox.

StackBlitz, meet the Evil Martians

Evil Martians met the StackBlitz team in 2021. Since then, we’ve been a key technical partner in scaling their platform.

We enhanced their core technology and infrastructure, which now serves over 3 million developers per month. As a taste of what we’ve been up to, our engineering teams contributed to all of the following:

  • Ruby on Rails backend development
  • Enterprise features, including fine-grained access controls and on-premise deployments

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Irina Nazarova CEO at Evil Martians

Evil Martians transform growth-stage startups into unicorns, build developer tools, and create open source products. Hire us to design and build your product