
Browserslist logo

Browserslist enables the sharing of target browser and Node.js version configurations between various frontend tools. It’s used in Autoprefixer, Babel, postcss-preset-env, eslint-plugin-compat, stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features, postcss-normalize, obsolete-webpack-plugin.

All frontend tools will automatically target the desired browser versions when you add the following to your package.json:

  "browserslist": [
    "defaults and supports es6-module",
    "maintained node versions"

Or in your .browserslistrc config:

# Browsers that we support

defaults and supports es6-module
maintained node versions

Developers can set their version lists using queries like last 2 versions and be free from the need to manually update versions. Browserslist uses caniuse-lite with Can I Use data for those queries.

Browserslist can take queries from tool options, browserslist config, .browserslistrc config,browserslist section in package.json, or environment variables.


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