Rails Startup Stack

Ruby on Rails is the framework and the ecosystem that can give your team a superior productivity in building a web application today–from day 1, through countless iterations, and all the way to the IPO. This is something we witnessed and helped happen, as dozens of startups at early and later stages have been reaching for our support every year.

And while Rails can make and sustain your team’s superior productivity, it is not guaranteed. It’s crucial to choose the right tools, principles and conventions–not just what’s popular or assumed a standard in the Rails ecosystem, but what fits your stage, product and strategy the best.

This is why we are sharing our playbook for fast-paced companies building with Ruby on Rails: the services, gems, guides and resources that will make your team super productive at the stage of fast iterations and acquiring the product-market fit. Interested in a little help with this? Let’s talk!

Here’s what you’ll find:


Today, the Rails ecosystem gives you the power to choose from different paradigms for the UI:

  • The Hotwire way: Completely avoid major JavaScript frameworks (like React or Vue) and go all-in with Hotwire.
  • JavaScript-enhanced UI: Stay with Hotwire, but sprinkle UIs with interactive React components, only where those are needed.
  • Dual stack: Use Rails in API-only mode and integrate it with a React-powered Single-page Application (SPA).

The Hotwire way

JavaScript-enhanced UI

Dual stack (Rails API & SPA)

Scaling with Rails

Going big with Rails is absolutely possible and this has been proven by many successful products—like Shopify and GitHub! Here’s what to think about when scaling Rails applications:

  • Optimizing for performance.
  • Bringing observability.
  • Designing code for maintainability.

Improving Rails performance

Observability for Rails

Rails application design


Rails applications could be deployed anywhere—from good old bare metal machines to Kubernetes clusters. And, of course, there are plenty of PaaS options.

Choose whatever better matches your team!

DX & testing

Ruby and Rails heavily focus on developer productivity—and so should you. Imagine having a reproducible, easy-to-set-up development environment, fast and reliable tests, and the ability to delegate repetitive routine tasks to robots!

If you find this valuable, or if your questions were not covered in this playbook yet, please share your feedback with us using the form below. We are just getting started.

Interested in bringing your team’s productivity to an even higher level with a little help? We have a plan! Starting with just one week, we will bring the best tools, skills, practices and resources that will set your team up for success for the challenges at hand and for the years to come! Let’s talk!

Let's solve your hard problems

Martians at a glance
years in business

We're experts at helping developer products grow, with a proven track record in UI design, product iterations, cost-effective scaling, and much more. We'll lay out a strategy before our engineers and designers leap into action.

If you prefer email, write to us at surrender@evilmartians.com